To prevent a specific photo from appearing at the top of your profile, roll over the photo and click the "x" in the top-right corner. This will not delete your photo — it can still be found on your photos page.
Remember that only the people selected in your current "Photos and videos I'm tagged in" setting will see these photos. You can adjust this setting from the "Sharing on Facebook" section of your Privacy Settings page. To get there, follow these steps:
Remember that only the people selected in your current "Photos and videos I'm tagged in" setting will see these photos. You can adjust this setting from the "Sharing on Facebook" section of your Privacy Settings page. To get there, follow these steps:
- Choose the "Privacy Settings" option in the Account drop-down menu at the top of any Facebook page.
- Select "Customize Settings" in the "Sharing on Facebook" section.
- Change the setting for "Photos and videos I'm tagged in