I received an email that I created a new Facebook account, even though I didn’t sign up for a new account.

If you have received a Facebook account confirmation email in error, it's likely that someone has mistakenly attempted to register using your email address. As long as you do not click the link contained in the email, this account will remain unconfirmed. An unconfirmed account can remain on the site for a maximum of three days. While this account is unconfirmed, it will not be able to send messages, write on friends’ Walls, post in discussions, poke, tag friends in photos or notes, comment on content, join groups, or like Pages. After three days without confirmation from the owner of the email address, the account will become inaccessible.

If someone has created an account to impersonate or imitate you, please go to the impostor profile and click "Report/Block this person" at the bottom of the left column. Check the "Report this Person" box, choose "Fake Profile" as the reason, and add "Impersonating me or someone else" as the report type. Be sure to add a valid web address (URL) leading to the real profile so that we can review the information.